In the last episode, Dr. Stanton's tattoo of the Paragon symbol is revealed.
From the original Paragon cult, only a few people survived: Aceso, her daughter Athena, and the children that were saved by Athena. We don't know Athena's birth year, but Dr. Stanton could be the right age to be Athena. Aceso is most likely dead at the time the series takes place. Furthermore, it is mentioned once that Athena's real name and whereabouts are unknown.
At one point, the Midnight Club members joked that Dr. Stanton could be evil and enjoy the suffering of the patients. If that were true, maybe she wants to use the inherent energy of the mansion to cure herself (her bald head suggests that she has/had cancer) or to extend her lifespan. But that seems unlikely, since she never performed any rituals like the Paragon did, as far as we know. And the fact that she burned Aceso's book indicates that she has a very low opinion of the Paragon's ideology, despite her tattoo. If she is Aceso's daughter, she probably got the tattoo involuntarily.